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Beaver weep hole covers
Joel Ashley:
When available, they are in different sizes and sometimes different shapes for different coaches/RVs and window manufacturers, and also different right and left in many of our Beavers.
There are several 3D printers making these now (ain't technology great... sometimes? :o), but experience with some has led owners to complain of shrinkage in the plastic used, allowing them to fall off the window frame. The cure was installing them with silicone (or Lexel). It would be preferable to have a UV-resistant formulation also. I'm not sure if this is still a current email contact, but a Monaco owner's family was producing some last year and experimenting with improved plastic formulations: . By the same token, Lurr Designs, linked in Lisa's post above, is a BAC member-associated producer that deserves consideration, especially if they can create in multiple sizes.
I ordered extra L & R originals years ago when they were still available. But it's good to know someone has picked up Atwood's dropped torch, because those small weep holes if not properly covered can create a surprisingly large amount of wind noise on the highway. Early on, my wife used to complain from the copilot's seat and I wrote it off as coming from the entry door seal or the mirror; as newbies to diesel coaches back then, I presumed it just part of the game. After replacing noticed missing weep hole covers a few years later, the wind noise subsided.
Lisa Dykhuizen:
The only reference he(our) son has at this point is the size from our Monterey bus. If there was another common size he could run that would be great. The resin he uses is safe to touch but he also paints them for UV protection.
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