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2004 Cummins ISL 400

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Don Colapietro:
Still chasing the no start problem. we have the Cummins wiring diagram and it shows a +5vdc at the engine speed sensor which we don't have while cranking. Possibly a bad brand new ECM??  Is there a fuse somewhere that feeds these sensors?  thinking of hooking a tone generator to the speed sensor plug, but it appears to be coming from the ECM.. Thanks,


Steve Huber Co-Admin:
Not sure about the ISL, but the 350hp ISC has 4 10amp fuses between the battery and the ECM. Lines are labeled AB ECM Batt Pwr, AC ECM Batt Pwr, AD ECM Batt Pwr, and EM ECM Patt Pwr. See 2004 Monterey Wiring Diagrams, Pg 22.

Eric Maclean Co-Admin:
The 5 vdc is a reference voltage supplied from the ECM
Your going to need to check to make sure you have both the 12 vdc ( constant power from the batteries) and the 12 vdc ignition power from the ignition to the ECM then check for the 5 vdc at the engine position sensor plug .
You can also check for 5 vdc at one of the other sensors as well. ( Temperature sensor)

If you have access to Cummins in site software you should be able to see the voltages through the computer as well as sensor reading and crank position RPM.

Word of caution if you have no 5 vdc supply from the ECM and it turns out the ECM is at fault you need find out what is killing me ECMs.( Reference wire or sensor shorted to ground)

Don Colapietro:
thanks guys, we're checking now. very frustrating.  ddddddddddddon

Eric Maclean Co-Admin:
Do you have access to Cummins in site software or a scan tool of any type.


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