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Driver's Seat Recline-Lever jammed

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Jack W Hannah:
While operating the recline lever in my driver’s seat with damp hands, the lever slipped out of my grip and now it’s jammed.
Any ideas/suggestions?

Fred Cook:
My driver seat jammed about 3 years ago and is still jammed. Luckily it jammed at my normal recline position but I would still like for it to work. I asked for help on this forum but was not able to get a viable solution. So, I took the chair off its pedestal to try fixing it but never could figure it out. So now I’m thinking about getting some new chairs. Hope you have some success.

Steve Huber Co-Admin:
I assume your chairs are Flexsteel units and the back recline function is mechanical. If so, either the handle to shaft attachment is faulty (broken or loose) or the mechanism or back itself is jammed. If jammed, you may be able to get it to function again by moving the back back and forth as much as possible with one hand while working the lever with the other hand, If no joy, you will probably need to remove the chair so you can access the mechanism to see where it is jammed. There is quite a bit of info on the web by searching Flexsteel troubleshooting, etc

Fred Cook:
Yep, tried all that. Also removed the handle hoping there might be a screw access to release the spline in order to reset it but there was not. One would think it would be an easy solution but it certainly is not. I had hoped someone else may have had the same problem and could point me in the right direction. I will have another look at the documentation you mentioned above.

Eric Maclean Co-Admin:
Jack and Fred
Try these people their very well versed in flexsteel chairs but if I'm not mistaken Beaver used Somerville seats

Or here for parts

Hope this helps


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