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Cat C-12 serpentine belt tension indicator
Fred Brooks:
I recently had an issue with my Caterpillar C-12 engine. One of my serpentine belt idler pulleys locked up and destroyed the serpentine belt. I ordered replacement bearings for the idler pulley and fortunately I had the original belt as a spare. You are not going to find a 115.3" 8 groove belt at Auto zone. My point is this: How do you know if you have the correct length belt on your C-12? After cleaning the spring-loaded belt tensioner, I discovered the "indicator decal" that tells you if the tensioner is in the green zone or the red zone. As these coaches age, we do not know if previous owners have replaced the belt with the OEM correct length. I thought I would share this because it really sucks being broke down in the middle of nowhere. Merry Christmas! Fred
Gene Obie:
Thanks. One more thing to check.
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