Just finished another project, something I have always wanted is a powered hose reel, I've always found that hooking up and unhooking the water hose to be a pain , especially in cold weather when the hose is stiff. I am amazed that any beaver , especially a marquis did not come with one of these from the factory, although I looked up the brochures on line and it looks like they stated installing them in 2005. I found this one used at Visone auto mart, if you haven't seen their site you should check it out, the wreck mostly high end rvs and part them out. I paid $125.00 for this Glendinning unit, but I think you can buy it new from camping world for about $350.00, real easy install, just drill a hole into the water and sewer compartment for the supply line , disconnect the water fill connection, and install a one way check valve, then tie in the 12 volt supply to something in the bay, Iused the power dump valves. My 2003 had a perfect spot for it on the left side , but it would probably work on any model.