Author Topic: Slide leak  (Read 3806 times)

Jeff Watt

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Slide leak
« on: March 04, 2014, 03:18:22 PM »
I have a leak in the driverside bedroom slide. It appears that the top seal unwraps/ dislodges itself and allows water to seap in. I had a mobile Rv tech come and help put it back in the track but then when I moved, it has happend again.

Additionally (or in conjunction) there is water coming in at the base of the bed (rear most). I'm not sure if it is seeping in from the bottom of the slide, I.e. wicking in or coming from somewhere else.

I've searched the forum and gather that I likely need to either replace the seals or re-attach them and/or possibly the slide is slightly out of adjustment exacerbating the leak.

I'm currently in Mission Texas and from what I gather there aren't really any places here to get that kind of work done. I'm looking at a couple of the Coach Care locations (tulsa, fargo) which are on my way home but don't know if they are good to go to. Other places such as Alliance coach or BCS (and Elite) in Oregon are too far. But I need to have this fixed before I venture out this summer/ fall.

Any suggestions? I thought about going to nagodoches to see if the foretravel people can help. I really hate going to large cities so I am trying to avoid places in places like Houston or dallas.


Edward Buker

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Re: Slide leak
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2014, 04:41:55 PM »

Take some photos of what is going on with the seals, any out of adjustment visual that you can see, slide wise (spacing's etc), as well as the leak details. Send the photos to BCS or Alliance via Email, especially if you have a contact that you have used at either place in the past. If you call BCS or Alliance and say you are willing to pay for their diagnostics, recommendation, and the parts that they would have you get changed it would seem like that is at least an informed way to proceed. There is hardly anything these places have not seen in the past. You can say no guarantees just guidance. If their input has many possibilities as to root cause and vague directions as to the likely fix then you would have a decision to make on how you want to proceed. It may be worth a trip at some point.

If it turns out that your symptoms provide a clear direction then I would also mention the places you will be near and see if they have a shop that they would recommend. The Foretravel folks equipped with some input/parts from BCS or Alliance would probably be hard to beat if they would do the work. Not sure if this will help but it is a possible path.

Later Ed

Roy C Tyler

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Re: Slide leak
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2014, 05:09:27 PM »
I had Elite repair mine.  The first thing they did was clean the guttter above the bedroom slide.  It was full of dirt.  They then checked the bottom rear corner of the slide and there was a 1/4" hole in the seal.  This was allowing water to come in on the carpet beside the bed.  They used a rubber glue (I don't remember what Eric said it was) to reseal and fill in the hole.  They did both bottom corners on the slide.  No more leaks.  My sllide seal kind of rolls over when the slide is extended but I still do not have any leaks.  The cleaning of the gutter was a major item that helped stop the leak as it was directing water down the edge of the slide.

Jeff Watt

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Re: Slide leak
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2014, 09:34:29 PM »
Thanks for the suggestions. I will take your advice Ed and send some pics to BCS and then see what they say - hard to diagnose over the internet.

Chuck, when you say gutter do you mean along the side of the coach or one on the top of the slide? With the slide topper awnings, I don't know if there even is one along the coach. Mine does what yours is doing, rolling up a bit.  The bottom corner of the slide (outside) seems to not have enough gasket. There appears to be "white" showing at the top of the slide on the front side - I don't know if that means it is out to far?

A couple of photos to help.


Roy C Tyler

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Re: Slide leak
« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2014, 10:49:44 PM »
When he cleaned out the gutter, he cleaned out from the top just above the slide to the rear corner of the coach.  Mine was leaking at the very bottom where the bottom seal and the side seal came together.  They were supposed to be "welded" together with a glue but they had a hole on the angle where they came together and that was where the water was coming in.