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Beavers on the Rhine
Peter and Connie Bradish:
Having trouble uploading photos. Will do that when ever possible.
August 22, 2010 Photos
August 23, 2010 Photos
August 24, 2010
Cologne and we had a walking tour of the downtown. Our guide took us to see the Cathedral inside and out. We also saw the local museum and the many Roman artifacts. After lunch it was pub crawling time led by Tom Crowley. We had several Kolsch beers at several pubs, saw the shopping area and then returned to the ship for the daily briefing and dinner. Awwhh, the food, fabulous!!!!
August 25, 2010
Marksburg Castle tour this morning. This castle has been continually used for a thousand years. During the afternoon we traveled through a narrowed part of the Rhine River with small mountains and many castles along the way. Weather gorgeous.We all went up to the sun deck and enjoyed the fantastic views. Dinner was the Chef's dinner. All the chefs on the Viking lines competed. Our chef won. The lamb was to die for. This is going to be more than a 5 pound rally!!!!
Joel Ashley:
Did you see the photo where they're putting the screws to the Beav? Shameful.
Peter and Connie Bradish:
August 24, 2010
August 25,2010
August 25, 2010
August 25, 2010 some photos from the Crowley's of Marksburg Castle and the area
Peter and Connie Bradish:
August 26, 2010 Miltenburg
Breakfast as usual, then a glass blowing demo using "the East German Method." The artist was a 7th generation glass blower. His grandfather went around the wall through the forest before the wall really got going and reestablished the family business in West Germany. Quite an artist.
After lunch we docked in Miltenburg and then went for a walking tour of this undamaged by WW II town. Narrow streets and half timbered houses defined the city.
At dinner we played a game of spoons.
See Photos
August 27, 2010 Wurzburg
A rainy morning but it couldn't dampen our spirits. Got on the buses to Wurzburg to tour the Emperor/Bishops palace. Then some continued on (Bob, Jerry, Sue and Linda) to Rothenburg while the rest of us went to the Cathedral and returned to the ship for lunch. Peter and I spent the afternoon on the ship because finally we had some fairly good internet service. So you get it all at once. Amazing how you get spoiled by good internet, TV, cell phone connections. I have missed my e-mails and my blogs I usually read daily. So it was a fun afternoon to catch up on all that stuff. Also, it rained on and off so we were happy just to use the internet and watch the traffic on the river go by.
We are all well so far and having a wonderful time!!!!!!!!
See Photos
Peter and Connie Bradish:
Please see corrected post for Aug 26 and 27. New photos added and corrected photos added for Miltenberg. :P Connie B.
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