General Boards > Redecorating and Updating your Motorhome
new TV 06 Pat
Jerry Carr:
Here are 3 photos of a rear bedroom conversion of our 06 Pat. Thunder.
I removed the old set and disk/VHS play and replace them with a new Viso HDTV/HDMI/Wifi/1080P this set was $389 at Costco and is 27inch the new Blue Ray Player was$100. total Materials about $10.00 the job took me about 4 hours with a total cost of under $500.
The new set is 30% larger and is of course HD so no converter box is needed.
The Key item was the TV with the "WIFI" we have Net flicks HD with no wires as long as you have a wifi net work in your area or you need a wireless hub.
I had to add the DYNEX switch to allow the coax cable hook up as the new sets and Blue ray players no longer have a cable connection.
It works great, I removed the old set as well as the old combo player this opened the lower box for storage, I have no wires or components in the lower box below the TV its not a large area but all storage helps.
To install the new set I used a french cleat so the set just pushes up and drops into a slot with dowel pins on the top. I did need to cut the opening about 1/2" wider the original opening was 25" wide the new one is 25.5".
This was not a big job I used a skill saw as far as I could then finished with a fine hand saw, 10 min. job.
If you need any help feel free to call me on my cell.
We no longer need to have the lower door open to use the remotes, Yeah!!!!!!! it was a head bumper at night.
Mike And Mary Engen:
Nice job, I have been wanting to convert my rear TV, but odd opening 20" x 20". Could go a little wider, but most the TVs' I have looked at will leave a space top or bottom and I want it to look right. May need to have a cabinet maker friend redo it for me.
By the way, what is a French cleat?
These kind of projects are really useful for ideas.
Jerry Carr:
Hi Mike
The French Cleat cabinet mounting system has been around longer than anyone can remember, and for good reason. It is simple, strong and cheap. IF you go to google search the term french cleat you will see some great photos.
If you have a space to fill you could just make a wood or upholstered filler both are simple. If you can take a photo of you tv area I may be able to give you some ideas
If you need help give me a call 206 755 7501
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