Author Topic: Beavers @ AirVenture (oshkosh)  (Read 11278 times)

Keith Cooper

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Beavers @ AirVenture (oshkosh)
« on: May 14, 2018, 07:16:18 PM »
I posted the following the BAC Travel Facebook page and in the monthly newsletter. If you haven't seen either of the prior postings and are interested send me an e-mail

I would like to know if you might be interested in attending AirVenture aka ‘The Oshkosh Fly-In’ in 2019. The AirVenture has been held every year for the last 62 years. The only comparable event I can think of that BAC members attend is the Albuquerque Balloon Festival. AirVenture is held in late July each year and it is sponsored by the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA). It is the largest airshow, of its kind, anywhere in the world. During the weeklong show, the airport's control tower is the busiest in the world.
If you decide this is something you might like to attend here is what you can expect:
• Access to all Showplane parking areas, including Homebuilts, Vintage, Aerobatic, Warbirds, Ultralights, Lightplanes, Rotorcraft, and Seaplanes. Expect 10,000+ aircraft in attendance
• A variety of evening programs, including Opening Day Concert, nightly movies at the Fly-In Theater, +programming at Theater in the Woods
• Hands-on workshop areas
• A variety of air show activities, including wing walkers on high-powered bi-planes, WWII airplanes chasing each other in mock dogfights, parachute demos and team aerobatics.
• Daily afternoon air shows and showcase flights, as well as the Wednesday and Saturday night air shows
• More than 1 million square feet of commercial exhibits, displays and information from more than 900 exhibitors
• All AirVenture speaker venues, including Museum Speaker Showcase, Authors Corner, Warbirds in Review, and more
• AirVenture Museum admission during the event
The rally will be 9 days and includes EAA Membership, weekly passes for all activities, water & electric hookups + one mid-week pump out service. All RV sites are at Camp Scholler, in the middle of the action on the convention grounds. On site shuttles run from 6:30 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. daily. Cost is estimated at approximately $900 per coach for the week excluding food. Contact me with any questions you may have ( ) the following short YouTube video may give you a better idea of what AirVenture is all about
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Lawrence Tarnoff

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Re: Beavers @ AirVenture (oshkosh)
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2018, 08:42:06 PM »
Jill and I would be interested, but for only 3 or 4 days.  I have been to this event when it was sponsored by the EAA and got to fly in one of the home-built planes (something I must have been crazy to do, but I was 40 years younger).  Please keep us in mind as your plans firm up.

Keith Cooper

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Re: Beavers @ AirVenture (oshkosh)
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2018, 09:27:18 PM »
The problem lies in the campground reservations to get serviced sites (which is what we are trying to do for the rally) we are required to pay for the sites from the date of reservation (not the date of arrival) thru the end of AirVenture. Serviced sites in Camp Scholler are $65 per night. No refunds are available for serviced sites. Based on initial responses in the first 24 hours, this may end up as a fairly large rally.

Alternate serviced sites are available nearby,however they have a 10 day minimum  @ $575.  Moving to other campgrounds in the area away from the EAA grounds really isn't practical because of the extensive event schedule.
Dry Camping sites at Camp Scholler are referred to as basic campsites and they can be booked in advance @ $27 per night with a 3 night minimum. Basic campsites are approximately 20 feet x 30 feet in size Therefore, most of our coaches would require 2 sites for dry camping or $54 per night. Only one tent or camper and one vehicle per 20 feet x 30 feet campsite are allowed.  In short if you want to attend AirVenture for 3 or 4 days it is possible but not easily accomplished.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2018, 09:33:30 PM by Keith Cooper »

Bill Sprague

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Re: Beavers @ AirVenture (oshkosh)
« Reply #3 on: June 08, 2018, 02:57:04 PM »
The Oshkosh Airventure was the annual peak of my career for many years.  I think we will sign up when it makes the BT. 

We won't be flying in this time, but at least we can bring the kitchen sink!