The RM 7832 only uses the compressor to cool the small white corrigated rap heat exchanger that raps around the ice maker it should be wired to operate in conjunction with the ice maker so when the orange ice maker switch is turned on the compressor system runs as well to aid in the ice making .
It is a stand alone system the rest of the fridge and freeze is an ordinary absorption fridge.
If the ice maker has been removed you don't need to use the compressor.
I have an original 1997 RM7832 in my coach it is still running strong after 28 years keeps the fridge cool 36* with no problems.
Like all absorption fridges they are some what slow to respond to cabinet changes simply because they don't has circulation fans in side or out
Regardless of what absorption fridge you decide on I highly recommend installing an ARP fridge defend with the option fin fan control and a fan
In my coach I opted to use a couple of computer fans connected to the fridge defend unit.
Also if you run you fidge for months on end like we do you will eventually ( about a month or two) will find the fins in the back of the cabinet will build up ice this can be eliminated by installing an internal fin fan they make a huge difference in not only keeping the unit frost free but they continuously circulate air inside the fridge making the cooling more even and more efficient ( faster)
I've included a link to both the fridge defend and an internal fin fan below.
The fridge defend unit works by monitoring the absorption boil temp and if it gets to a preset temp it will activate the fin cooling fan/s
If the boiler temp continues to rise to an over temp condition the fridge defend unit will shut down the control power to the fridge allowing it to cool down
Before turning it back on .in this way it eliminate or at least limit the related over heat damage and possible fire.
The real damage we are talking about is caused usually by the fridge being run off level where the boiler ends up running dry when this happens even if the boiler isn't breached ( burnt through) there is internal damage done .this damage is caused when the zinc chromate rust inhibiting powder inside the absorption Tubes and boiler get hot enough to crystalize these crystals are the problem .
When normal operation resumes ( the ammonia solution returns to the boiler ) then the boiler starts to work normally until the crystals start to move up and out of the boiler when this happens the crystals are carried on and logged the small office at the entrance to the evaporator plugging it which stops the flow of ammonia solution from moving on and the cooling unit can no longer cool.
You may have hear the term BURPING a fridge what this refers to is removing the fridge and turning it upside down by rotating is through 360* it make the solution travel back up through the condenser and the evaporator in an attempt to flush out the crystals blocking this orfice,sometimes this work but often it's a short term fix as those crystals are still in the system and can return.
https://www.arprv.com/how-does-arp-protect-my-fridge.phphttps://www.amazon.com/Magula-Refrigerator-Prevents-Temperature-Ventilation/dp/B0C5LTDLVN/ref=asc_df_B0C5LTDLVN?mcid=34c2273c8a88363a8b001bf930bbfbe1&tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693366125642&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=18272522304192134422&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=t&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1026456&hvtargid=pla-2187815904375&psc=1Hope this long winded reply helps