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Technical Support / Front Trac Bar removal and replacement?
« Last post by Carl Boger on December 01, 2024, 06:25:33 PM »
I am looking for any insights on how to change out the bushings and how to remove the front trac bar on my 98 Patriot.

The bushings are shot and the bar will rotate easily by hand as well as move up and down slightly on the passengers  side.  The bushings seem to be around a ball type of insert that fits in about a one inch bolt.

To complicate things even more the propane tank is in the way of removing the bolt on the drivers side.  The bolt on the passengers side is located up against the compartment that holds the hurricane heater, but it has a hole cut in that compartment so that bolt can be removed.

I believe that the drivers side bolt could be cut off with a grinder and then removed.  A new bolt could be put back in from the opposite direction, but it would have to be cut short enough not to hit the propane tank.

I will also need to put 2 bottle jacks on the lower frame to raise the upper frame enough to allow the 2 bolts to clear.

Does anyone know what type of bushings or inserts are inside the track bar?  Size?   Bolt size?  A source to buy them?

Does anyone else have a better method to remove the bar?  I am not looking forward to this one and would like to have all the pieces available when I start.

Thanks in advance for any help
Technical Support / Re: Driver's Seat Recline-Lever jammed
« Last post by Eric Maclean on November 30, 2024, 09:16:23 PM »
Jack and Fred
Try these people their very well versed in flexsteel chairs but if I'm not mistaken Beaver used Somerville seats

Or here for parts

Hope this helps

Technical Support / Re: Driver's Seat Recline-Lever jammed
« Last post by Fred Cook on November 30, 2024, 03:25:33 PM »
Yep, tried all that. Also removed the handle hoping there might be a screw access to release the spline in order to reset it but there was not. One would think it would be an easy solution but it certainly is not. I had hoped someone else may have had the same problem and could point me in the right direction. I will have another look at the documentation you mentioned above.
Technical Support / Re: Driver's Seat Recline-Lever jammed
« Last post by Steve Huber Co-Admin on November 30, 2024, 01:53:00 PM »
I assume your chairs are Flexsteel units and the back recline function is mechanical. If so, either the handle to shaft attachment is faulty (broken or loose) or the mechanism or back itself is jammed. If jammed, you may be able to get it to function again by moving the back back and forth as much as possible with one hand while working the lever with the other hand, If no joy, you will probably need to remove the chair so you can access the mechanism to see where it is jammed. There is quite a bit of info on the web by searching Flexsteel troubleshooting, etc
Technical Support / Re: Driver's Seat Recline-Lever jammed
« Last post by Fred Cook on November 30, 2024, 01:24:12 PM »
My driver seat jammed about 3 years ago and is still jammed. Luckily it jammed at my normal recline position but I would still like for it to work. I asked for help on this forum but was not able to get a viable solution. So, I took the chair off its pedestal to try fixing it but never could figure it out. So now I’m thinking about getting some new chairs. Hope you have some success.
Technical Support / Driver's Seat Recline-Lever jammed
« Last post by Jack W Hannah on November 29, 2024, 09:15:48 PM »
While operating the recline lever in my driver’s seat with damp hands, the lever slipped out of my grip and now it’s jammed.
Any ideas/suggestions?
Technical Support / Re: Hurricane heater
« Last post by Eric Maclean on November 24, 2024, 01:54:37 AM »
The hurricane co-45 manual is in the coach assist section under heating and air conditioning.
On page 22 of the manual you will find the wiring diagram for the hurricane.
It would appear the only purple wire runs to the fuel solenoid.

Thanks. I have not been able to go check this until this morning. I took the cover off of the control board and saw a red light on. Checked the cover and it was the low voltage light. Could not stretch my neck enough to see it with the cover on. Reset and all is good now. Thanks again.
Technical Support / Re: Hurricane heater
« Last post by Fred Brooks on November 22, 2024, 10:28:40 PM »
  Greetings Scott,

I am pretty sure the model is a CO-45. Give Brian a call over at International Thermal Research. Fred
Technical Support / Hurricane heater
« Last post by Scott Hinote on November 22, 2024, 09:25:51 PM »
Hello everyone and hopefully everyone is feeling okay now that the election is over . We have a 2000 Beaver Patriot Ticonderoga, and a Hurricane heater . I’ve replaced the fuel filter and the air filter, I also replaced the fuel nozzle, the flame sensor and the igniter. Going into the fuel nozzle and flame sensor area is 4 wires coming in . Before I started any work I labeled all the wires as I removed them one at a time . There’s only 4 wires coming into there . As I was removing the wires there was one purple wire that appeared to have just broken off, there were no bare wires coming out of the insulation , so I don’t know if that is a ground wire or where that booger lands . Everything should be ready to go start, would anyone happen to know where that wire might go . And I have a few alarms on the panel next to the heater, I believe flame out, and another one that says something about electrical . Any help would be greatly appreciate, it’s really a well made heater and I’d love to have it working . I would like to add, it had worked for us a few times, and when I started working on it, I couldn’t believe how much carbon was on the fuel nozzle, no wonder it wasn’t working . Thanks for any help .
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