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Technical Support / Master List of Exterior and Interior Lights for LED Conversions
« Last post by Devin Ginther on September 05, 2024, 05:57:13 PM »

I'm fairly new to the group and hope to be a contributor on the technical side of things.   As an engineer, I'm always into finding better solutions and working around problems.  Been working on cars, trucks, motorcycles, boats and woodworking my entire life so fairly handy.  Plus, we own the Texas Urban Sawmill down here and do quite a bit of very high-end custom furniture work and installs.   So addressing any type of interior woodwork is a piece of cake.   

We recently brought back our 1999 Marquis Jasper from Florida.  Basically owned by a single owner its entire life with a long list of maintenance records.  So I have no major "repair" work other than located a few potential leaks and eventually replacing the slide seals.   

Right now, I'm trying to do a complete LED conversation across both the interior and exterior lighting.   The previous owner, addressed probably 80% of the interior lights already.   So my immediate focus is all the exterior lighting.  I'm also redoing all the lap seams which includes re-sealing all the rear upper red running lights so it is a roof and exterior lighting effort.       

Does anyone know of a reference document or thread(s) that discuss all the exterior lights?   I'm not sure when the headlights and rear lights changed but I would like to create an excel sheet that is easy for people to reference.   

I'm good on the front low & head beams (1A1 and 2A1 enclosure type).   

1) I'm having a hard time identifying the side docking lights.  The exposed light physically measures 5.5" long x 3.25" tall.  I have found the Grote Mini LED work lights (#63610) but this includes the cover plate.  This weekend I will try to pull out the docking lights to see if I can find an original part #.   Thought I would ask here 1st.

2) Are new lenses or enclosures available for our rear turn and brake lights?   

3) Are new lenses or enclosures available for the front left & right amber turn signals?   Again, I'm hoping to convert them to more modern LEDs with enclosures that might be a better cosmetic match for the front 1A1 and 2A1 LED headlights that I'm retrofitting.

4) Fog lights.  I've measured the recessed molded enclosure on the front bumper.   Looks like 7-1/2" wide x 4-3/4" tall is the absolute maximum size to retrofit LED fog lights.   If anyone has done this and has suggested or references to their replacement fog lights, much appreciate if you can provide.   

End of day, I love the big rigs that are all LED-d out on the highways.  Not to mention the added safety factor of being highly visible and having front beams that REALLY provide excellent visibility.   Oh and I'm definitely adding relays to the Hi and Low beam circuits to ensure that see the full 12V.   

I'm putting all of this in a master LED spread sheet that I will share the club.   Take me a few more weeks to compile everything as I go from light to light.....
Technical Support / Re: No Crank. C12 Cat
« Last post by Eric Maclean on September 04, 2024, 02:42:15 PM »
The wiring diagrams should be in the coach assist library here on the forum ( follow the blue link at the top right of this page )
That era ( Magnum chassis)  should have a primary starter solenoid located in the back left rear corner of the battery bay.
First  check the rear start switch controls at the service bay as they can be problematic ( as the rear of them is exposed to weather and road grim )
Both the ECM relay power and the start signal pass through the rear start switches and if the switch is in the wrong position or goes bad you will have a no crank situation from the front start position.

Technical Support / Re: No Crank. C12 Cat
« Last post by Carl Boger on September 03, 2024, 11:48:21 PM »

By will not crank do you mean it is turning over but not start, or its simply not turning over at all.
Do you have dash lights?

I have had my coach not turn over at all, and the cure was to disconnect the front wiring harness plug in the front electrical bay under the drivers foot well area.  Clean the Pins really well with electrical cleaner and a brass brush and wire welding tip cleaners.  After plugging it back together it fired right up.  I followed up with some dielectric grease around the case and a zip tie to keep the plug halves tightly together. 

Hopefully your fix is this simple.
Technical Support / Re: No Crank. C12 Cat
« Last post by David T. Richelderfer on September 03, 2024, 09:03:18 PM »
You might try removing the battery leads and cleaning the leads and posts.  Also, when turning the key to start the engine, try pressing the battery boost switch.  Also, you could remove the leads on the starter to clean them too.

From there, perhaps the technical guys can pitch in with some ideas.

Technical Support / No Crank. C12 Cat
« Last post by Brian Buchanan on September 03, 2024, 08:54:37 PM »
Here is my dilemma today, Have not started the coach since early May, at that time every thing seemed to be fine. Shortly after parking it at our summer location the rear leveling switch panel shorted out (RVA system) and the electric hydraulic pump was running. I disconnected the rear RVA control panel and when diagnosing found several corroded spots on the printed circuit board, with the rear control disconnected the front unit operated fine so I left the rear disconnected while I try to source a new switch panel this fall. And I don't remember trying to start the coach after that incident. This week as we are starting to prepare for our fall escape south I decided it was overdue to be started but the motor will not crank, the batteries are 12.6 volts, the ignition switch is operating and energising the (start wire) when in the crank position. I'm getting all the warning lamps, when the key is in the run position but nothing in the crank position, I'm not hearing any starter solenoid. I do not have a wiring schematic so I'm hoping someone can help he trace the "start" wire from the ignition switch, the transmission is indicating neutral, but from what I have read it may have a starter relay before the starter solenoid.

I have not triggered the starter solenoid to confirm the starter operation yet, as I have never had any previous issues, any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Technical Support / Re: Cesana shower model
« Last post by George Frudakis on September 02, 2024, 08:50:31 PM »
Thank You
Technical Support / Cesana shower model
« Last post by George Frudakis on September 02, 2024, 07:33:16 PM »
I have a 2002 marque with a round shower. I Need to replace the rubber strip on the top rail which the door rollers sit on. Does anyone know the model number for this shower or know where I can find the model number? I know there are posts, but the links to the message do not help me find the part.
Technical Support / Re: Hydro hot issue
« Last post by Mark Hoovler on September 02, 2024, 03:15:52 PM »
Thanks Joel I think we found the parts on his sight

Technical Support / Re: Hydro hot issue
« Last post by Joel Ashley on September 01, 2024, 09:56:40 PM »
Check on John Carillo’s site.  But a local machine shop may be able to repair the bracket or make a new one.

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