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Technical Support / Re: Dometic refrigerator "pops"
« Last post by Fred Brooks on February 16, 2025, 03:17:07 PM »
 Another cause of a popping noise could be the need of some maintenance of the burner. It is natural for the flue above the propane burner to rust over time and the temperature and humidity are contributing to this process. Over time this rust falls down on top of the burner impeding the flow. When it cycles to reignite, the propane builds up and accumulates prior to ignition causing a popping sound. Fred
Technical Support / Re: Dometic refrigerator "pops"
« Last post by David T. Richelderfer on February 13, 2025, 01:24:39 AM »
I copied and pasted this from a GOOGLE search:

"A popping noise coming from your refrigerator is usually considered normal and is most likely caused by the expansion and contraction of plastic and metal parts inside the fridge due to temperature fluctuations during the cooling cycle, particularly when the defrost heater turns on or off; this is referred to as "thermal expansion" and is nothing to worry about unless the noise is excessively loud or frequent.

"Key points about popping noises from a fridge:

"Normal behavior:  Most popping sounds are simply a result of the fridge's natural operation and temperature changes, causing materials to expand and contract slightly.

"When to check:  If the popping noise is very loud, happens frequently, or is accompanied by other unusual sounds or malfunctioning, [then] it's a good idea to check the fridge for potential issues.
"Possible reasons for popping noises:

"Defrost cycle: The defrost heater turning on and off can cause ice to melt and re-
freeze quickly, leading to popping sounds.
"Door opening and closing: Rapid temperature changes from opening the door can also cause popping sounds.
"Plastic parts: Plastic components within the fridge can expand and contract with temperature changes, creating popping noises.
"What to do if you're concerned:

"Observe the noise:  Pay attention to when the popping occurs, if it's related to the defrost cycle, or if it happens after opening the door.

"Check for ice buildup:  If the popping is frequent, [then] check the evaporator coils for excessive ice buildup, which could indicate a defrost issue.
"Consult a professional:  If the popping noise is very loud, persistent, or accompanied by other problems like poor cooling, [then] contact a qualified appliance repair technician."
Technical Support / Dometic refrigerator "pops"
« Last post by Rick Daniels on February 12, 2025, 10:19:02 PM »
I have a Dometic New Dimensions refer and it occasionally "Pops". Sometimes louder than others. Is this a sign of a problem? sounds like a pressure release.
Good work Mike
As you become familiar with the systems in your coach things get easier to understand and troubleshoot.

Happy travels and hot water.
Technical Support / Re: Aqua-hot burner not starting after Racor Filter change.
« Last post by Dan Johnson on February 09, 2025, 01:45:13 PM »
Glad you found the switch. Sorry I missed your problem  because that is where mine is also. You got to stand on your head to read what the switch is for.  Another issue is the heater in the water bay. It is controlled by a button thermostat. It is hot all the time regardless whether the aqua hot is turned on. When the temp gets below the trigger temp it turns on the stir pump.  Not any more as I added a switch before the button thermostat
Technical Support / Re: Aqua-hot burner not starting after Racor Filter change.
« Last post by Mike Sulley on February 09, 2025, 02:15:00 AM »

Well I found the elusive Kitchen switch.  It was on the underside of the overhead cabinet with the coach monitor.  At the far end near the refrigerator.  Recall seeing it, but its function escaped me.  It is sort of similar to switch in the 100-02S manual, but it only has two functions-diesel and engine preheat.  No fancy green and orange lites.

So I cleaned off the carbon on the ignitors and repositioned them to the nozzle.  And reassembled the burner.  The burner fired immediately upon flipping the diesel switch and We Had Heat!!  Let it run for a while and circulated all the air out of the lines.

Wish to thank all you gentlemen for all your help.  It's been a long learning journey from finding the leaking connection to performing the yearly burner maintenance.   I have learned a lot.  In the future I will not be so intimidated by the mention of Aqua-Hot.

Again, thank you all!!

Mike Sulley
Does your coach have a water pump switch located  near the sink in the kitchen and if so is there not a switch right beside it marked water heater?
If so that water heater switch is the Aqua hot diesel control switch.

In the coach assist library the closest thing to an Aquahot wiring diagram is in the 1996 Patriot wiring diagram section ( second to last page)

The switches I was referring to are not under the sink by the waste basket. They are on the cabinet panel in front and just below  the sink. Poor choice of words on my part. See figure 2 on page 4 on  this link for a picture of the switch panel.
Coach Assist has links to the 01S service manual and as Gene noted the op manual for the 01S and 02 S is the same so your manual should be accurate.
If you are having issues accessing our documentation let us know and we can step you through the process as needed.
Technical Support / Re: Aqua-hot burner not starting after Racor Filter change.
« Last post by Gene Obie on February 08, 2025, 07:32:59 PM »
You should be able to find the manual for your unit here -->

It's seems 01 and 02 are the same manual.
Technical Support / Re: Aqua-hot burner not starting after Racor Filter change.
« Last post by Mike Sulley on February 08, 2025, 07:10:31 PM »
Hello David and Steve,

 I thank you for trying help me out and add to my knowledge.  When I bought the coach a couple years ago, we received no explanations about the Aqua-Hot and what manuals we received were scattered everywhere.

David for first several outings with our "new" coach over two seasons, every time I started the coach engine,  I would always see the gray exhaust of the Aqua-Hot firing up.  I never had to do anything.  I always attributed this to the main thermostat on the cabinet above the couch being switched on.  I never turned it off.

Steve my wife tells me there is a single switch under the sink on the left behind the waste basket.  She thought it might have to do with the instant hot water fixture on the counter top next to the sink.  But the switch didn't seem to have any effect.  We never got any hot water out of it.  So she turned it off.  Evidently, that was about the time of our last trip of the season.  And curiously, we had no heat.  She just brought this to my attention after reading Eric's comment about the "kitchen switch".  Note we have always had hot water from the AH.  I turned it off with the breaker in the box on the back wall of the bedroom when I started trouble shooting the diesel fired AH.

It would really be helpful to find a manual for "our" AHE 100-01S Aqua-Hot system.  The 100-02S manual is the only one I have ever found.  I have never looked in the Beaver Forums Manual library.  The security sign on requirement has always intimidated me.  I did call AH in Colorado and they could only provide with the 100-02S manual.

I am still waiting for my 5/16" primer bulb.  Once it arrives, I will temperarily cut it into the diesel return line and circulate diesel thru the system back into the supply tank.  Then go from there.

Once again, thank you so much for your reply's.

Mike Sulley
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