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Technical Support / Re: Round shower door top rail
« Last post by George Frudakis on December 17, 2024, 10:15:20 PM »
Can you please tell me how you installed the gray plastic using the hammer to snap it in place. I have trouble holding the piece and can't get a good angle to hit the gray plastic. I use a hair dryer to soften, buy may have to go to heat gun. Any help would be appreciated.
Technical Support / Documents Added to Coach Assist
« Last post by Steve Huber Co-Admin on December 17, 2024, 06:03:35 PM »
Went through my files and found a few docs that might be helpful that were not included in Coach Assist. Added them this AM.

   - AC Plenum Assy, (For 07 Contessa but applicable to many Beaver Models).  Coach Assist/Equipment Manuals/Heating & AC
   -09 Monterey Front Electrical Bay diagrams. Coach Assist/Wiring Diagrams/09 Monterey
   -Front Visor Wiring Diagram (should be applicable to 05+ models). Coach Assist/ Wiring Diagrams/Misc Wiring Doagrams

Technical Support / Re: Main power cable - where is it routed in an 05 Monterey
« Last post by Fred Brooks on December 17, 2024, 03:42:42 PM »
   Liam, Just out of curiosity, what size panels are you using and are they mounted on your roof or free-standing? With that kind of wattage you could run 2 12000btu mini-splits with 22 seer with no issue.
Wow that's a lot of solar I assume your going with lithium batteries. How many amp hours of battery are you setting up to balance out the solar?
Are you going to retain the 2 way fridge or go to residential?

With that much solar you may never need to plug in again.
The truth is your boondocking is always limited by the size of your tanks fresh,grey, black.

Good luck with your project
Misc RV Equipment for Sale or Wanted / Re: New, Never Used Waste Master Hose
« Last post by Steve Misemer on December 17, 2024, 05:34:58 AM »

Do you still have this hose? Can you give me the model# and length of the hose please.
Technical Support / Re: Main power cable - where is it routed in an 05 Monterey
« Last post by Liam Gray on December 17, 2024, 04:33:36 AM »
Hi Eric -

Yup, I'm aware that the genset is 2 legs but only one phase. I'm doing dual Victron multiplus inverters (5000/48's) with each handling one leg. With single phase input like the genset (or plugged into a 30amp shore connection) only one of the inverters will charge while the other inverts. The wiring is effectively the same as running in parallel so I can switch when needed. I'm going with a spit phase install to future proof in case I decide to install a large minisplit down the road.

The Xantrex was dying when we bought the rig, which I hadn't anticipated. I swapped it with a multiplus 2000 which will be handling 12v duty. The new system is 48v and will effectively behave like shore power. We'll have 5450watts of panels on the roof, so with any luck needing the genset or shore power will be rare.

You mentioned installing a split phase solar system  are you not charging batteries from the solar via DC voltage and then running your inverter from the batteries?
If you are installing an inverter capable of creating 240 volt split phase with the intention of running 240 volt appliances or heaters be aware the the 7500 and I believe the 8000 watt quite diesel generator are inverter type gen sets and although they have two 120 volt thirty amp breakers they have no 240 capability..

Hope this helps
That box is your transfer switch. The output will run directly to the main breaker panel. See pages 308 - 309 of your owner's manual for location / description of the transfer switch. Cable to AC breaker panel in bathroom probably runs along frame and then up through floor in/near bath area. It is a standard cable, not conduit. Would seem that easiest area to tap into it if needed would be at transfer switch location.
Technical Support / Main power cable - where is it routed in an 05 Monterey
« Last post by Liam Gray on December 16, 2024, 04:09:57 AM »
Hi All - <br><br>I have an 05 Monterey Laguna IV that I'm doing a large scale split phase solar install on, and I need to cut it in between the ATS and the main 50amp panel. In the schematics I see "XFR RLY Located between frame rails in rear storage bay" - On my rig there is a box next to the power cable in the far back compartment that seems like it would be the transfer switch, but I havent gotten a chance to open it up yet.<div><br></div><div>Any idea if this is actually the transfer switch or if the relay realy is in the storage bay? Any idea where exactly the cable runs through the storage bay or what it looks like? Is it flexible conduit or just a heavy 6/3 cable like the input cord?&nbsp;</div><div><br></div><div>I've already replaced the Xantrex inverter and that was wired with standard Romex, but my assumption is that the main line to the panel wouldn't be. I havent gotten around to physically pulling the Xantrex out yet, so thats still down there mounted between the rails.</div><div><br></div><div>Thanks so much</div><div>Liam</div>
General Discussion / Re: Quartzsite Rally
« Last post by Eric Maclean Co-Admin on December 16, 2024, 12:28:07 AM »
Good to hear Roy
Karen and I won't be there this year but we will always have fond memories of Roy and Carol and the great times in the desert.

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