Technical Support / Re: Dometic AC and aqua hot heat problem
« Last post by Adam Hicklin on Today at 01:47:45 PM »Thanks Steve and Eric.
My mistake. It’s the 431/12 AQH.(stupid fat fingers)
Steve, I’ll investigate the switch today. The indicator light by the switch has never come on, even when everything was working fine, so it’s never been a help. I’ll dive in to the switch today. But all fuses are good and voltage is good.
Eric, thanks for that. I have the diagram for the 431/12. I have one thermostat in the coach. With one comm cable to the back ( much like the old phone, 4 wire cable, which comes from the AC.) The tstat wires from the AQH don’t run directly to the tstat in the coach. They have to interface somewhere else. Maybe on the AC board? Maybe on some buried circuit board somewhere else? But as Steve said, I can get heat to the zone 1, but zone 1 is where the tstat is stuck. Can’t change off zone 1.
I’ll keep searching. Keep the suggestions coming!
My mistake. It’s the 431/12 AQH.(stupid fat fingers)
Steve, I’ll investigate the switch today. The indicator light by the switch has never come on, even when everything was working fine, so it’s never been a help. I’ll dive in to the switch today. But all fuses are good and voltage is good.
Eric, thanks for that. I have the diagram for the 431/12. I have one thermostat in the coach. With one comm cable to the back ( much like the old phone, 4 wire cable, which comes from the AC.) The tstat wires from the AQH don’t run directly to the tstat in the coach. They have to interface somewhere else. Maybe on the AC board? Maybe on some buried circuit board somewhere else? But as Steve said, I can get heat to the zone 1, but zone 1 is where the tstat is stuck. Can’t change off zone 1.
I’ll keep searching. Keep the suggestions coming!