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Technical Support / Re: Coach Battery Replacement
« Last post by Cary Rodriguez on November 17, 2024, 03:35:25 PM »
Hey Fred,

    Many thanks for the recommendations.  I really appreciate it.

Motorhomes and Tow Cars / Re: 2006 BEAVER MONTEREY FOR SALE
« Last post by Miriam Zimmerman on November 17, 2024, 12:56:31 PM »
Hi Dale - did you ever sell and might you be willing to share some knowledge with a twin '06 Montclair?
Did you ever have to replace the driver side slide cylinder?  I'm working on this now and just don't have enough hydraulic worthy familiar techs in South Florida.  I'm half tempted to push it in and get over to west coast where we seem to find more of our fellow Monaco/Beaver family owners and others who know this beast.
Fleet Pride's website specifies a Meritor rotor, part# 23123572002. It's listed under the Roadmaster S chassis.
Technical Support / Re: C-9 Flames out at low speeds
« Last post by Bob Dunlap on November 16, 2024, 05:09:00 AM »
After the installation of a high pressure oil pump, the "flame out" problem ceased to exist.  It has plenty of power and no more black smoke.  Should be clear sailing on our next outing.
In need of rear brake rotors on our coach with a roadmaster Chassis.
Talked to REV RV about it.  They keep giving me numbers for DANA and BENDIX that no truck parts store can identify.
Can anyone help me?  Thanks, Bob
Technical Support / Re: Coach Battery Replacement
« Last post by Fred Brooks on November 15, 2024, 09:34:37 PM »
  Here are some more considerations as you enjoy your adventure. When you connect 2 deep cycle 6 volt batteries in series you will double the voltage to 12 volts but not the amperage rating. So your system with 4 -6 volt deep cycle batteries will be 2- 12volt batteries in parallel with 420 to 440 amp hour rating. A fully charged 12volt system resting will yield 12.8 volts. These batteries should never be discharged below 50% of their capacity which is 12.3 volts. Failure to do so will damage their life span. Another consideration is Peukerts law when discharging batteries. When discharging lead-acid batteries the rule is between 25 and 30% loss of capacity dependent on rate of discharge. If you operate within these parameters the batteries will last 4 to 5 years if you do the maintenance. Make sure you cover any solar panels when you disconnect the batteries. Failure to do so may damage the solar voltage regulator. Hope this helps, and welcome to the forum. Fred
General Discussion / Re: dubious Oregon diesel sales ban challenged
« Last post by Eric Maclean on November 15, 2024, 02:15:31 PM »
For those of you that have been following this is nothing new .
The California emissions people have been pushing to eliminate diesel in their state ( and others by default) for years now.
The politics behind it is to push towards an all electric so called zero emissions fleet by slowly vetting out the alternatives.
And of course as all things politicians do they are out of touch with reality .
In reality that so called zero mission automobile or truck has to be charged by an external electrical source from the grid which in most areas can barely support its current demands. Then we could talk about how or where this electricity is produced and just how clean it is.
If you think your electric bill is high now wait till the grid has to be expanded to charge all these vehicles and of course watch the price go up as you electric bill starts to represent auto fuel.
As people realize the shortcomings of electric vehicle the demand will wain and as we've already seen in the automotive manufacturing is backing away from the heavy ramp up that they were developing towards electric in favor of hybrid systems simply because the market has fallen off as the true economics and convenience start to become apparent.
As is the case at this time there is no company willing to step forward and build an all electric motorhome chassis capable enough to replace a diesel pusher
That's not to say that someday the whole electric thing won't work but for now the alternative is not viable for the RV market as there are no electric chassis manufactured at this time.
It does lend itself to some interesting ideas though as with an electric or even hybrid system you could power the entire motor homes house electric system with the battery bank and eliminate the Gen set on hybrid models.

I think what you will see happen is the legislators with ease the requirement for RVs until such a time that the manufacturers can produce a viable electric chassis.

For now we have to hope that common sense wins out.


General Discussion / Re: dubious Oregon diesel sales ban challenged
« Last post by Steve Huber Co-Admin on November 15, 2024, 02:12:57 PM »
Before commenting on Joel's post, refer to Forum Rules #5: No personal opinions on politics, etc.
Thx, Steve
Technical Support / Re: Coach Battery Replacement
« Last post by Cary Rodriguez on November 14, 2024, 02:49:40 PM »
Bryan and Joel,

     Many thanks for your replies.  I will go ahead and stick with the 4 6V batteries.  I have already taken photos of the wiring and also made a drawing of the battery layout just in case.  Thanks again.

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