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Technical Support / Aqua-hot burner not starting after Racor Filter change.
« Last post by Mike Sulley on February 06, 2025, 02:27:46 AM »
As some of you may remember, my Aqua-hot quit working on our last trip of the season.  We found the Aqua-hot system very low of boiler fluid.  Eventually found connections leaking on forward most heat exchanger connections. Tightened.   Refilled system with 6- 8 gallons of boiler fluid.

Since I had not preformed an annual maintenance, I replaced the Racor filter and the burner nozzle.  The Racor filter would not gravity refill,  so I attempted to fill the filter by installing a primer bulb on the outlet of the filter and was able to fill the visual filter bowl and out flow line.  Removed the primer bulb and reconnected line to the diesel manifold.  Attempted to restart the burner but no luck.

I loosened to the Banjo bolts on the burner fill and return lines.  No diesel!  Can someone enlighten me on the correct filter priming method?  Without a dedicated pump from the main diesel tank, I assume one must rely on initiating a siphon thru the Racor and burner lines.  Once the burner lines are full, can I apply 12 volts to the burner pump to establish circulation back to the system?

Going forward, am I better off replacing the Racor with a spin-on filter element?  The guys in the videos never seem to have this problem.

I thank you in advance for your responses.

Mike Sulley

2001 Beaver Marquis Amethyst
Technical Support / Re: Air Dump Switch not working and bags won't deflate
« Last post by Mike Sulley on February 06, 2025, 01:55:32 AM »
Thanks all for your responses.   I will give this a try.

MIke Sulley
Technical Support / Re: Asco Red-Hat Diverter Value Issues
« Last post by David T. Richelderfer on February 04, 2025, 11:11:13 PM »
Our coach has an Aladdin system but it has not automatically shut off the water fill when full since we purchased the coach in August 2012.  Perhaps when new, it did; I don't know.  Interestingly, our coach has two water-fill switches - one in the water bay and another just under the kitchen sink countertop.  But the kitchen sink water-fill switch has not worked to open or close the Red Hat - now US Solid - water fill valve.  I suspect the two switches are joined to a latching relay which allows both switches to operate the water fill valve independently.  Somewhere on the Forum I read that the kitchen sink switch was likely disabled because when in the coach it's impossible to know when the tank is full, and it will run over making a lake until a neighbor RVer sees it.  I have never found where, if it exists, that latching relay might be located.

Our coach has four water pump switches (kitchen, loo, lavatory, and water bay) that all work independently through a latching relay.  Where it's located is also a mystery... but the four switches all work properly.
Technical Support / Re: Asco Red-Hat Diverter Value Issues
« Last post by Bill Lampkin on February 04, 2025, 10:02:52 PM »
I believe the auto shutoff is a function of the Aladdin tank level module, also controls asco valve
Technical Support / Re: New to me Marquis repair list
« Last post by Gayden.Peel on February 04, 2025, 08:40:02 PM »

JC refrigeration has several options you could replace your cooling unit with  an absorption unit or go 12 volts or 120 volts units each have their pros and cons.
It's my opinion it's had to be at the absorption units for boondocking

The RM 7832 has been noted a reliable unit which will produce very good results but as with all absorption fridges they benefit from good airflow

Quick update, I went ahead and ordered the Dinosaur Electronics P-711 board, mine was less than optimal with tons of corrosion on it. And I called JC's. they are actually in Sarasota FL this week and next doing winter installs for folks, So I am scheduled to run over there on the 11th and get them to replace the boiler / cooling unit out as a "factory install".  I sorted the wires out from the ice-maker / water valve, so fingers crossed this will be the right solution in leu of replacing everything, it was certainly the more affordable solution.
Technical Support / Re: Asco Red-Hat Diverter Value Issues
« Last post by Don White on February 04, 2025, 03:52:18 PM »
Thanks David,

I've ordered the 3 wire.  My coach has the auto shut off when full and the asco valve is 3 wire.  I'll let you know how it works.

It sounds like a solid solution.  Nice to find one at 15% of what I am seeing the Asco valve go for.
Technical Support / Re: Asco Red-Hat Diverter Value Issues
« Last post by David T. Richelderfer on February 03, 2025, 07:05:55 PM »
This is the valve I purchased.  It does have three wires but I used only two.  The other wire I bent back and taped off.  I do not know the function of the third wire.  My guess is it may be for an automatic closure when the fresh water tank is filled but our coach never had that function as long as we have owned it.

I like this ball valve because it can be heard when opening and closing, so I know it's doing its job when I press the switch to open and close it.

Technical Support / Re: Essex Keyless Entry
« Last post by Bobby Kirk on February 03, 2025, 01:03:45 PM »
Randy the only thing that was diffrent was after you put in code wait until beep and then put in 111 and your code again it
worked for me

Bobby Kirk
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