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Technical Support / Re: Main slide out repair
« Last post by Jim Walker on January 19, 2025, 02:06:03 AM »
Found it, thanks Eric.
Technical Support / Re: Aqua-hot system leaking
« Last post by Carl Boger on January 19, 2025, 12:34:38 AM »

If you need to replace the fuel line going to the top of the tank you don't have to drop the tank all the way down.  On mine I drove all 6 tires up on ramps lifting the MH 4.5 inches and then put a  motorcycle jack under the tank, loosened the straps took off the fuel fill hoses and lowered the tank.  I then removed the front strap and tilted the tank down to where I could reach the fittings.

The tank doesn't have to move all that far.  Hopefully you won't need to replace the hose, but it is doable.
Technical Support / Re: Aqua-hot system leaking
« Last post by Mike Sulley on January 18, 2025, 11:52:58 PM »
Gentlemen,  A little follow up so far.  Several of my pressure tests have been misleading.  Sometimes they appear to hold and other times not.  I guess it depends on where the fluid is moving arounin the system.  I have not been topping off the reservoir with boiler fluid because it is getting expensive.

Steve made the right call.  It was not the line that was leaking, but a slow drip at the hose fittings at the heat exchanger.  Found a couple loose hose clamps on the rubber right angle boots connecting the plastic hose to the exchanger.  As a note,  I did find a good selection of silicon hose 90's that could be trimmed to fit if required to replace the boots at our local industrial hose supplier.  I did use coast guard approved marine hoses.

So I have tightened the offending clamps, no easy thing,  and am now in the process of pressure testing to confirm pressure integrity.

I have replaced the Racor filter and replaced as many associated burner hoses as I can.  Unfortunately, I can't get access to the top of the diesel tank to replace that hose to the Racor filter.  So I have left it.  It's rock hard.  My problem now is that diesel is not gravity feeding into the Racor filter.  I have purchased a primer bulb to give it a try.  If that doesn't work, I will try to apply pressure to the  diesel tank.  Any and all ideas will be appreciated.

Mike Sulley
Technical Support / Re: Main slide out repair
« Last post by Eric Maclean Co-Admin on January 18, 2025, 10:08:21 PM »
Your in the right place the black bar on the left of that page is a drop down menu just click on the Safari title there and it should take you to the next menu
Technical Support / Re: Main slide out repair
« Last post by Jim Walker on January 18, 2025, 06:54:10 PM »
Eric, thanks for the reference but when I click on the referenced link all that comes up is a logo for the Beaver motorhome history and no way to proceed further.
Misc RV Equipment for Sale or Wanted / Re: CAT Oil and Fuel Filters
« Last post by Frank Bergamo on January 17, 2025, 08:32:03 PM »
Doug, I would be interested. Are the Allison filters for the 4000 series transmission?
Sent you a text and left a voicemail. Thanks!
Misc RV Equipment for Sale or Wanted / CAT Oil and Fuel Filters
« Last post by Doug Till on January 17, 2025, 05:27:19 PM »
I have a 1R-1808 Oil Filter, 1R-0749 Fuel Filter and an Allison 29548987 filter kit. All are new and in original packaging. I think the filters are for a C15 Cat Engine. Would sell all for $50.00. I am at Happy Trails in Surprise, AZ for the winter months. I can ship, but would have to add shipping costs. Contact me-Doug Till, or 303.901.3312.
Technical Support / Re: Main slide out repair
« Last post by Eric Maclean Co-Admin on January 14, 2025, 04:00:15 PM »
You might want to check out the coach assist file on Magnum era slide outs .
You'll find it in the coach assist library. Go to the blue link at the top of this page then to the " technical "drop down then. To "brochures for almost all Beaver coaches" then to"Safari Motor Coach corporation (1994-2001)"
Near the bottom of that drop down you will find the title "slide out information and diagrams"

I know your coach is a 2002 but there is little difference from the 2001 as Beaver was still using up the Magnum chassis before switching out to the Roadmaster chassis if your early Roadmaster chassis chassis serial number starts with an "M" it is a Magnum chassis .

Hope this helps
Technical Support / Re: Main slide out repair
« Last post by Kemp B McLeod on January 14, 2025, 03:14:08 AM »
Might reach out AZ Expert. He's on YouTube. He's has a 2002 Patriot. He has done this kind of repair in the  past. I don't have his contact info. But, I believe you can message him through his youtube.
Cheers, and good luck.
Technical Support / Re: Main slide out repair
« Last post by Steve Huber Co-Admin on January 12, 2025, 11:29:43 PM »
2 possibles in Mesa AZ. RV Renovators and Luxury RV. Both are on Main St between Gilbert and Lindsay. Luxury RV used to be the Beaver dealer in AZ. Suggest you call prior to driving over
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