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Technical Support / 1999 Patriot Ticonderoga ( brake part numbers)
« Last post by Brian Shackelford on December 29, 2024, 04:52:08 PM »
Greetings to all, I have a model year 99 with a 98 build date (ABS). I have discovered a melted wheel sensor and damaged rotor on left rear, which needs to be addressed. I'm trying to locate available part numbers for the rotor, caliper, pads, slack adjuster and wheel sensor, before I start the job. I also will replace all the soft brake lines (I have the part numbers). I've spent considerable time searching for these items, but the part numbers listed in "Coach assist" are hard to find and do not mention if the 98's have ABS. I live in a remote location and was hoping to gather parts prior to disassembly. Thanks in advance to any willing to help.
Technical Support / Re: OTD Canopy Identification Needed
« Last post by Neal E Weinmann on December 29, 2024, 03:49:18 PM »
The canopy is now out and operational, but of course the path was not linear. After downloading the motor removal guide, I set out to separate the motor and its housing from the awning housing. But first, I squeezed and duct taped the leading edge of the canopy back to the housing so it wouldn't "eject" if I was successful in separating the assembly. Semi-succeeding at the removal of the attachment screws (two came out but the third appeared to be MIA and replaced by a ribbon of silicone between the bus wall and the motor housing. I cut that away). I tried tapping the housing away from the canopy tube using a rubber mallet but was reluctant to hit it harder. As I was working and making noise, my neighbor, a retired electrician, came over and casually mentioned that tapping on a "stuck" DC motor sometimes is enough to jog it into operation.

For the heck of it, I tried the switch, and the motor budged until the tape resisted. I removed the tape, tried the switch again and with a distinct "POP", the canopy extended. I ran it partially back in and back out, and all appeared normal, and a complete mystery as to why it stopped in the first place.  Back up the ladder, I dry-lubed all the articulation joints on both canopy arms. As I got to the last joint, the outer joint of the forward arm, I was surprised to find its pivot pin popped up about 3/4" and pushing hard on the underside of the canopy fabric and totally out of the bottom pivot hole of the arm. It clearly was high enough to contact the housing when trying to extend the canopy. My rationalization was that was enough to inhibit any movement until my taping of the leading edge and hammering gave enough leeway to allow movement. (Grainy picture shows the pin partially pressed back down.  Sorry for the quality - I was working into the sun on a bright day, so the joint was in the shade of the canopy edge and all the bits were covered in grime)

After pressing the pin back down into joint so that the flat head of the pivot pin was nested in the cast relief in the top of the arm end, I noticed that the outer pins on both arms have retainer grooves machined into them and that neither pin had a retainer clip installed! A trip to Ace Hardware and their vast array of actual hardware and I was back installing a 95-cent E-clip into each slot. A few test extensions and retractions, and I called it repaired.

The silicone was replaced, as were the two screws, but not without further "adventures".  I'll leave that story for another time.

Technical Support / Re: small partical in water
« Last post by Joel Ashley on December 28, 2024, 08:46:05 AM »
Since you say the debris is specific to only the vanity sink, I reckon I’d work backwards from there by first unscrewing the aerator on that faucet and seeing if some contaminant has lodged there, and is slowly leaching off micro particles.  But that said, it may not be a valid suggestion if you’re not getting debris with the vanity’s cold side also. 🫤

Technical Support / Re: small partical in water
« Last post by Eric Maclean Co-Admin on December 27, 2024, 06:50:27 PM »
Do you have a propane hot water heater or an Aquahot/ hydro hot ?

What you may be seeing is hard water deposits ( calcium like that in a kettle ) that have precipitated out in the water heater and migrated through the water system
It will collect in the aerator of the bathroom and kitchen faucets.

If it is a propane  or electric ( tank type heater ) you can remove the drain plug and flush the sediment out of the tank , vinegar will help break down the
Calcium build up and aid in flushing out the build up
Remove the aerators and flush the supply lines.

Hope this helps
Technical Support / small partical in water
« Last post by George Frudakis on December 27, 2024, 04:39:02 PM »
As I turn on the hot water in the vanity sink. I see little rocks and small particles in the water. I turn on the shower and the kitchen sink and they do not appear. Does anyone know what the issue is and how to repair it?
Misc RV Equipment for Sale or Wanted / Re: New, Never Used Waste Master Hose
« Last post by Zeb Severson on December 24, 2024, 04:43:25 PM »
Hi Steve,

Yes I still have it. It is Lippert 359724 Waste Master 20’ Extended RV Sewer Hose Management System. Let me know if you are still interested and we can work out a time and place.
Technical Support / Re: Level jack pump
« Last post by Eric Maclean Co-Admin on December 24, 2024, 01:53:16 PM »
If your going to try to fill it from the plug in the side of the reservoir take that plug out slowly to make sure it is above the fluid level or you may have a mess to clean up.

Technical Support / Re: Level jack pump
« Last post by Chuck Hurd on December 24, 2024, 12:10:19 AM »
If I can fill it from there it is easy to get to I’ll just have to get a small pump and hose. I know it’s low because the alarm goes off when going down hill. Thanks for the info.
Technical Support / Re: Level jack pump
« Last post by Carl Boger on December 24, 2024, 12:02:03 AM »

Mine also has a allen head plug with out the plastic cover.  Hard to get in there,but a long thin funnel or a large syringe work for me.  I have not had to add any fluid in the last couple of years.  When it started loosing fluid I had all 3 jacks rebuilt as well as at least one new valve.  Hopefully it will be problem free for a long while.
Technical Support / Re: Level jack pump
« Last post by Eric Maclean Co-Admin on December 23, 2024, 11:47:13 PM »
Mine is mounted vertically as well .
With a light you may be able to see the vent plug by looking from the battery bay .
As I mentioned before the vent is on the top of the reservoir where the pump motor mounts to the reservoir.

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