Author Topic: Water valves in fresh water manifold  (Read 6779 times)

Jill Stevens

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Water valves in fresh water manifold
« on: September 19, 2011, 12:27:17 AM »
I have tried searching many different ways, but no luck.  The valve to turn off the hot water to the shower broke (actually the retaining ring) and water was pouring out of the bay through this valve...the handle and parts had "blown" out... I noticed no hot water in the kitchen but had cold so went to see what was up. Hmmm big puddle and water pouring out from under door!  Does anyone know what I should ask for when I start seeking a replacement? PEX systems aren't used in California yet, but Home Depot carries a few parts. I'm heading over there to see if I can get something to plug off the one valve.  THANKS for any advice!!

Jill Stevens

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Re: Water valves in fresh water manifold
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2011, 04:17:05 AM »
No luck at HD.  Local Ace Hardware had a cork, but it wouldn't stay in and we don't want to put a screw in it to tighten because we are afraid that might break something inside the manifold.  I will call Beaver service/parts tomorrow and hope they can steer me in the right directionto get a replacement part.  Meanwhile, no water in coach...bummer! :-/

Bruce Benson

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Re: Water valves in fresh water manifold
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2011, 04:50:37 AM »
It would be helpful to have the year and model of your coach included in your signature block.

Does your coach have a "spare" shutoff on the hot water side across from the toilet shut off?  Perhaps you could use this one if you have that feature.  

There is PEX in California.  PEX is used for many things including home heating.  Home Depot is not a good source for PEX fittings.  A good plumbing supply or a good RV supply would be good places to look.  A matching valve would probably have to come from Bend but a good internet search might yield other sources.  If you can find any numbers or names on the valve just list them on a Google search and see what comes up.    

Jill Stevens

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Re: Water valves in fresh water manifold
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2011, 05:58:24 AM »
Sorry about the year/model lack. I thought it was in my signature and see it isn't.  We have a 2001 Patriot Ticonderoga. Our water manifold is white and has lots of silver knobs in pairs (hot/cold) going down vertically, the city water inlet, cable/phone, etc.  I will look tomorrow morning to see if there is a spare shutoff. For now we just turned off incoming water at the source.  Sadly no part number on the valve, but there are good RV parts available (tomorrow) nearby and large plumbing supply.  Thanks for the suggestion! I will edit my signature line and apologize for the sloppy details in my earlier post.

Jill Stevens

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Re: Water valves in fresh water manifold
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2011, 04:48:28 PM »
SOLVED!!  Spoke with Larry in parts at Beaver this morning (541) 322-1375 -- they have the valves and will overnight to me.  YAY :K)

Jill Stevens

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Re: Water valves in fresh water manifold
« Reply #5 on: September 23, 2011, 04:01:45 AM »
One last update.  I posted this information (abbreviated) in Sources.  Once we received the three-way valve from Beaver Parts, we needed to remove the handle and dismantle it (all we needed was the cap).  Replaced the valve and seal that had blown out, used the new cap (the old one had fractured) and put our silver handle (on/off) back on it.  

With the part in hand, we searched to find one locally and found a washing machine valve that used the same cap.  It had a mfg. id on it for  At that website you can sign up for an account and order online whatever part you need or the complete 3-way valve.
