Author Topic: Power steering pump  (Read 8720 times)

Jerry Carr

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Power steering pump
« on: March 20, 2010, 12:13:10 AM »
Hello Everyone

I wanted to share an on going experience with you. My Wife and I plan to leave town heading south to Indio,CA this Sat. 3/20.
On Wed. of this week I notice transmission fluid on the parking pad! Good Lord I had just had a new radiator install 2 weeks eariler at Beaver Coach(the extended policy would not pay this bill so the folks at Beaver coach did the work and supplied the parts at no cost to us, Yeah!!!!!!!!

1. I called Beaver Coach sales( we just bought this 06 Pat. and this will be our first trip) to report the new problem they told me to handle the issue in Seattle and to use my extended warranty contract.

2. I took the coach to Mobile Oil and Service ( a great shop that I have used before they work on fleet trucks/bus) they contacted the warranty provider and also Beaver Coach sales for parts.

Sean at Beaver Coach thought the problem was the seal from the PTO to the power steering pump. We did check this and found the pump was bad so placed the order for new parts with Matts(BCS) help

3. Matt at Beaver Coach placed the order with Monaco for a new Power Steering pump, we needed this ASAP so we agreed to ship this next day to Mobile Oil.

THE FIRST Problem  
Monaco sent the pump to Beaver Coach Sales in Bend even though the paper work was to send the part to Seattle.

Next Problem

Matt send the pump next Day to us in Seattle "Great" but when we get it this is not the correct unit even though we used the Monaco numbers when placing the order.

Monaco parts department are really screwed up!!!!!!!

The guys at Mobile Oil are really great Tammy kept me in the loop at every problem, and Paul the service manager pulled the pump 3 times and did a modification that will get me to Indio and back.

I offered to pay for the service but they would not take payment until the job is done correctly and they plan to do all the work for the agreed to amount with the warranty provider, what a team. They just wanted to get us on the road.

Mobile Oil Service (located in Kent WA) will replace the pump on my return if Monaco can just get us the correct parts and to the correct address  

Jerry Carr 06 Patriot Owner
« Last Edit: October 02, 2010, 06:17:03 AM by 14 »