The purpose of this section is to assist Beaver Coach owners and those servicing them in identifying parts and locating information or instructions.
Currently this section is focused (but not exclusively) on the Classic Beaver Coaches, models built for 1993 and before. This will expand as rapidly as information is obtained. Information is supplied by Beaver, Beaver parts and service providers, and Beaver owners. It is a "living" section, and as such, will live or die based on what is provided. Please don't hesitate to send information or feedback.
Behind every happy Beaver owner, is a happy Beaver Coach.
Choose your topic of interest by clicking on one of the following:
Coach Components |
Suppliers and Manufacturers |
Coach Manuals and User Guides (under construction) |
Floor Plans (under construction) |
The Beaver Coach Assistant is maintained by Peter Bradish, BAC member. Please don't hesitate to contact me about additional information, corrections, clarifications or comments.
This site is not supplied by, owned by, certified by or warranteed by SMC or Beaver Motor Coaches, it is solely an effort by the Beaver Ambassador Club to supply information and assistance to other Beaver owners and the companies with whom they do business in order to maintain their Beaver coach.
Working together will help make every Beaver Coach a happy one.
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Copyright by the Beaver Ambassador Club 2001