Author Topic: Online Registration Form (Rally Coupon)  (Read 16798 times)

Bill Lampkin

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Online Registration Form (Rally Coupon)
« on: July 29, 2020, 04:32:38 AM »
In Beaver Tales, it is written: "There is also an online registration form on"

I can't find it. I did find the pdf coupon on pg 30 of Beaver Tales, but it is not an online coupon.

Sure would help with rally registration to have an online coupon.

2005 Patriot Thunder Lexington, 3 slides
40' tag axle (short wheelbase)
525 hp C13

"Goin where the weather suits my clothes..."

Steve Huber Co-Admin

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Re: Online Registration Form (Rally Coupon)
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2020, 04:17:54 PM »
Go to the club web site and log in. Then select Members Only Downloads. Page down to Rally Support and you will find what you are looking for.
2015- 6/24  07 Contessa Bayshore C9,  400 hp
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Bill Lampkin

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Re: Online Registration Form (Rally Coupon)
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2020, 04:34:40 PM »
Thanks Steve, I did that and its the same pdf form thats on pg 30 of Beaver Tales. No way to use that form online, and since we dont have a printer in the RV, we cant print out the form and mail it in. So we'll have to print a pile of them when we get home for use on the road. Maybe with this new Apricot software the club can come up with a way to register for a rally on line.

2005 Patriot Thunder Lexington, 3 slides
40' tag axle (short wheelbase)
525 hp C13

"Goin where the weather suits my clothes..."
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Gerald Farris

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Re: Online Registration Form (Rally Coupon)
« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2020, 05:30:21 PM »
There is more to this than you would imagine. We have used online registration to some of the rallies that we were the Rallymaster for in the past (old software), and it required us to setup a link so that the online coupon would come to us to us, the Rallymaster who needed it instead of someone with no connection to the rally. So this will require a join effort between the Website Administrator and the many individual Rallymasters, and that is probably the reason that it has not happened. However, there is a very simple way around this issue. You just send an email to the Rallymaster with the information that the pdf coupon is asking for in the body of the email, and state that you will mail the Rallymaster a check for the needed deposit or rally fee, whichever is needed.

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Bill Lampkin

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Re: Online Registration Form (Rally Coupon)
« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2020, 06:46:15 PM »
Thanks Gerald, There's always more to it than meets the eye! Thanks for the clarification.
One other stumbling block-who uses checks anymore? Some do, but I've run out and my bank no longer offers free checks. We'll figure it out.
2005 Patriot Thunder Lexington, 3 slides
40' tag axle (short wheelbase)
525 hp C13

"Goin where the weather suits my clothes..."

Mike Humble

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Re: Online Registration Form (Rally Coupon)
« Reply #5 on: July 29, 2020, 08:09:57 PM »
We normally use bank bill pay to send a "check" and as a rally master have received several registrations like Gerald says
2008 Marquis 45' Cat C-15 600hp
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Roy Warren Co-Admin

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Re: Online Registration Form (Rally Coupon)
« Reply #6 on: July 29, 2020, 09:07:06 PM »
My wife and I made our own registration form and saved it in MS word.  The only changes we make (we left them blank) were the Rally, dates and costs including deposit.  You can send it by e-mail as an attachment if you don't have a printer.  Good luck and hope to see you at a rally in the future.
Roy Warren
Roy Warren
2005 Patriot Thunder
Cat C-13
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Bill Lampkin

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Re: Online Registration Form (Rally Coupon)
« Reply #7 on: July 29, 2020, 10:06:13 PM »
Thanks to all; We've tried the bill pay method, unfortunately, my bank dropped the individual check option. And I have saved the info in a word document, just seems like these days when you can order whatever in the world with one click, it would be easier to register and pay for a rally. Will forge ahead with what we have, and thanks to all you rally masters out there doing all the hard work so we can all have fun. We will see you when this Covid thing is over!
2005 Patriot Thunder Lexington, 3 slides
40' tag axle (short wheelbase)
525 hp C13

"Goin where the weather suits my clothes..."

Gerald Farris

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Re: Online Registration Form (Rally Coupon)
« Reply #8 on: July 30, 2020, 02:59:20 PM »
Since you stated that you not only wanted to register for a rally online, but you wanted to pay for it online, there is another problem that you did not seem to recognize, and that is cost. We have used online payment for a few of or inexpensive rallies like Quartzsite, via PayPal (the only option to such a small operation), and we ate the 3% cost, but we only received 3 online payments out of 70 attendees. That was a lot of effort for very little participation. Then we get to the cost that I think was 3% which is only $1.50 on a $50 rally, but that is $15 on a $500 rally, so who pays that, and who does all of the extra work of setting up the account and monitoring it. Rallymasters are not a retail business that are designed to operate online at a profit. They are fellow club members who are are planning a party for you at cost only. Rallies are never designed to show a profit.     


David T. Richelderfer

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Re: Online Registration Form (Rally Coupon)
« Reply #9 on: July 30, 2020, 03:21:06 PM »
Generally, checking accounts at banks have an online bill pay option.  I have used the Bank of America (B of A) to pay my bills, almost all of my bills.  In several years, I have physically written about two checks per year and then have to pay the US Mail to deliver the checks.  B of A allows the account owner to setup the bill pay option and it's easy - simply enter the pay-to person or business, their address, and a few other details.  When a bill is paid, all that is necessary to enter is the amount to pay and the date to have the payment delivered.  B of A writes and delivers a check through the US Mail or, if the receiver has an ebill option, then B of A sends the payment electronically.  Until recently, there was no charge for the checking account.  In the past year or two, their charge became $14 per month.  But there are no other charges, such as for mailing the checks, etc.
2004 Beaver Marquis Sapphire

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