We bought an 05 Monterey a month or so ago. and we're still working out some kinks. My plsan this weeken was to replace faulty inverter and leaking skylight, but the RV ad other plans.
Up until this weekend the Hydrohot worked great. Now we get hot water but no heat to any zones. Today I tried jumping the thermostat at the Hydrohot, but no response. I jumped the fan and the fan fired up, but no response from the pump. The stir pump is working fine, and I dont have any fault indictors on the board. I tried the low volt reset to no avail, tried killing all 12v and 120v power to see if that might reset things, but no luck there either. Coolant is right where it should be. I also noticed that while we do have hot water, the unit runs constantly now instead of cycling on/off as it did previously.
My gut says the board is bad, but I dont know enough to be certain. I can get a refurb board for $375, or I can call a mobile tech who actually knows what hes doing, but will likely charge $375 to tell me I need a new board. Regardless, I'm sure I will make the wrong choice. If the board was $100 I would just throw the part at it, but $375 is a bigger pill to swallow. Any ideas?