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Replace Domectic Air Conditioner


Lawlor Wakem:
We need to replace our front rooftop air conditioner on a 2004 Beaver Marquis.  The original air conditioner was Dometic  part #630515.321.  Dometic gave us part number 651815-HXX1J01 The Dometic Penguin II with Heat Pump.  We also bought a new 10 button thermostat.  Will the wiring harness and plugs be the same as the old air conditioner or will there need to be adjustments made?  Thank You. 

Carl Boger:

It probably will not be a simple plug and play, but will have individual color coded wires that have to be put into the correct positions.  There is usually enough slack in the wire to make this a fairly easy connection.

Lawlor Wakem:
Thank you. :)


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