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ALADDIN Tank Level Calibration

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Larry and Heidi Lee:
Hello fellow Beavers! I am new around the Beaver realm as I just purchased an 05 Monterey several months ago. From day one the fresh, Gray, and Black tank levels have always indicated "0" regardless of the quantity of liquid in any one of the three tanks. I replaced the Aladdin tank control module and now some indication of liquid is displayed but the quantities are obviously way off. The fresh water indication is "160 G" and the black and gray readings continue to indicate zero. I decided to calibrate the system according to the manual which states, "Enter the raw data readings" with all tanks empty. It also mentions, "Usually this number is between 0 and about 25". My Raw tank readings are as follows: Fresh:46 Gray:36 Black:18. I have tried several times and entered these raw numbers and the result (fresh tested only so far) is still rediculously inaccurate. With a quarter tank of water my reading is 165 gallons! Something is wrong with my raw numbers as they are much higher than what the manual parameters state. My question is: Do the pressure sensors on the tanks fail? Does anyone have any knowledge of this system that could shed some light? What am I doing wrong?  :( Finally, is it required to do both the empty and full calibration or just the empty? The instructions are vague.  Before I try Beaver tech support again I thought I would ask you owners too..Thank-you in advance! Larry in Costa Mesa CA  :)

Daryl Beck:
After many attempts at calibration with similar results I have finally arrived at the only reliable method of sensing correct tank levels.  When water no longer drains out of the shower and the toilet doesn't flush I know the grey and black water tanks are full.  When I no longer get any fresh water the fresh water tank is empty.  In other words I have given up.  This issue is the only problem I have with the Aladdin system.  If you find a solution please post here.

Larry and Heidi Lee:
I believe I have found a permanent maintenance free solution. Instead of spending $200 for three replacement pressure sensors I am installing a kit by "SeeLevel" that eliminates sensors by utilizing RF technology. The kit was designed to fit Aladdin systems (NOT Aladdin JR) and allows you to check your tank levels without ever needing to clean your tanks or "cleanse" a sensor etc. Total cost of Model 709RP was $449.00. I've seen many posts (rvnet) from other Rvers that are really happy with this solution. Imagine, never having to mess with faulty or sensors covered with debris etc.  :X

Larry and Heidi Lee:
By the way, if you are having trouble calibrating your system you might want to pull your pressure sensors for starters. Mine were all gummed up and clogged with you know what. Of course even after a futile attempt to clean them they are unuseable. At $59 a piece from Monaco I refuse to buy them at risk of having to buy them ever again.

George Harwell:
After 2 years my readings were inaccurate so I bought the newer(supposedly better) sensors and installed them myself. I also changed the tank slide valves while having access. I plugged in each new sensor and calibrated them to empty before installing. All I had to do then was fill each tank for full calibration and they have worked very well for at least 2 years now. Since you are a new owner you have no way of knowing the past history as far as keeping them cleaned out and the types of chemicals used therefore you may have to go the new sensor route to correct the problem. Be advised, I am talking about the gray and black tanks only. I have never had any problem with the fresh water reading. Read and reread the cal. instructions then calibrate until you are comfortable with the results. As far as I am concerned giving up is the wrong alternative, given that time and patience will eventually provide the desired results. Good luck and stay in touch if you need additional information about your coach.


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