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Beavers on the Rhine
Peter and Connie Bradish:
Nine Beavers are about to bravely step beyond the American borders and travel to Europe to spread the Beaver form of fun. While this is not a sanctioned rally, it is a Beaver group traveling together to have Beaver fun. Peter and I (Connie Bradish) will be leaving early on August 17 to partake of the splendors of Amsterdam before the official start of the European River Cruise on August 22. We will have WIFI in our B & B and on the ship. When ever possible I plan to post to this thread to keep all of you informed as to what we have been doing. We hope to have pictures to share with you as well as information about our trip. Keep looking for updates.
Peter and I would also like to invite you to come with us on an informal Beaver rally in 2011. Beavers in Scandinavia, Depart USA May 30, return June 28. Information at
Dieter and Gabriele Weigelt (FMCA members) run these wonderful RV tours of Europe. We are going and would like other Beavers to come with us so we can all share the fun. It is so much more fun to have friends along with you on a trip. So please consider coming with us in 2011.
Big Time Beaver Hugs, Connie B. :)
Peter and Connie Bradish:
One Beaver couple is now in Amsterdam. The Leonards took us to the airport on August 17. We flew to Atlanta then to Amsterdam. We arrived in Amsterdam on August 18 at about 8:30 am their time. We found how to get a 4 day train/tram/bus tickets at the airport and then boarded the train for Amsterdam Central. In one of the enclosed pictures Peter is standing outside Amsterdam Central with our luggage. We rode an electric tram to the stop near our B & B, Parkzijde, then walked 3 short blocks to the B & B. This is part of a gentleman's townhouse built in 1892. We have tall ceilings, AC, WiFi, a small refrig, bathroom and shower, TV, use of a microwave and small oven, all the comforts of home. We took a walk to the local market, had lunch, bought fruits, cooked fish and shrimp, bread, sliced meat, mayo, a knife and a bottle of wine. We will have a nice dinner this evening, go to bed early and be ready for tomorrow. We plan to have our morning walk in Oosterpark which is just across the road. Then breakfast at the B & B.
Notice the side walk in front of our B & B has a sidewalk and a bicycle path as part the sidewalk. You really have to watch where you walk around here. Lots of folks riding bicycles on the bikepaths, people crossing the road haphazardly and trams and buses running everywhere. Weather cloudy but no rain so far. Temps in the 70s.
Beavers on the Rhine has begun.
See enclosed photos
Chuck Bayman:
Thanks Connie & Peter for the memories. Marcie and I were there 4 years ago and traveled thruout the Netherlands and Belgium. I know you will really enjoy yourself. Looking forward to more pictures.
Peter and Connie Bradish:
19th of August dawned somewhat cloudy and cool. Peter, Connie and the BEAV headed out for our morning walk in Oosterpark. How neat. Folks were out and about enjoying exercise, the cool of the morning and walking for fun. We returned to our B & B for breakfast of cheese, meat, rolls, tea, yogurt, boiled egg.
See photos
Then we three were off to the Rijks Museum. Lots of Rembrandts and early Delft earthenware. The Beav and Peter worked on our schedule and we paid for 24 hours on the Hop On and Hop Off canal boats. They (Beav and Peter) scheduled us on the orange line just in time to be part of the Sail 2010. This is an event that happens every 5 years. The boats/ships especially tall ships come up the river here. We came out into the river while the ships were all coming into the harbor. The Beav was thrilled and as you can see from his pictures he had fun on the canal boat and seeing Sail 2010. Notice the small sailing vessel fouled on the larger sailing ship. Beav was brave and weathered every scary encounter.
See photos
Beav and his compatriots are having a great time!!! Watch for future postings of the Beav having fun!!!!
Peter and Connie Bradish:
August 20th and still in Amsterdam. Peter and Connie got up and took their usual morning walk in the park. Beav stayed at the B & B and and slept in. The walk in the park was rather noisy this morning as there were many light green parrots in the trees. Also someone had left some cold french fries out for the local birds. Peter towards the end of the walk found a park bench to relax and hang out with the other guys rather than walking.
After another wonderful breakfast we three went out for a little shopping and another canal boat ride (blue line) to finish our 24 hours ticket for the canal boats. The Beav was getting thirsty in the early afternoon and who should he spy but Tom and Lynn C. at The Old Bell. We got together and had a pint or two. The Beav was all for jumping right in to cool down but we restrained him. He also wanted some of Lynn and Tom's toasties. But the Beav is on a diet. So he only had a small bite to eat and drink.
We parted later in the afternoon all rosy and happy.We went back to our B & B and Peter and the Beav had a little nap before dinner. It's great to see some more folks in our Beaver get together (this is not a sanctioned rally) arriving to enjoy the delights of Amsterdam. More folks will be arriving soon. But it was good to see Tom and Lynn C. (early birds too) having a great time in Amsterdam.
See Photos
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