Generally, checking accounts at banks have an online bill pay option. I have used the Bank of America (B of A) to pay my bills, almost all of my bills. In several years, I have physically written about two checks per year and then have to pay the US Mail to deliver the checks. B of A allows the account owner to setup the bill pay option and it's easy - simply enter the pay-to person or business, their address, and a few other details. When a bill is paid, all that is necessary to enter is the amount to pay and the date to have the payment delivered. B of A writes and delivers a check through the US Mail or, if the receiver has an ebill option, then B of A sends the payment electronically. Until recently, there was no charge for the checking account. In the past year or two, their charge became $14 per month. But there are no other charges, such as for mailing the checks, etc.