The secret to having any system work well is to flush your tanks frequently .
The sensors read through the tank side some use metal pins and some read directly through the plastic tank as the tanks get used they will collect a layer of calcified water much like in a kettle this makes it hard for the sensors to get an accurate reading as this layer will retain / stay well making the sensors believe they are reading the level of water add to this toilet paper which can stick like wall paper to the sides of the tank and you can see why the sensors are inaccurate.
There is a company that specializes in tank cleaning and does a great job.
But you can keep your tanks clean by using your onboard tank flusher and an inline backflush unit .
You'd be surprised how much toilet paper and other crap you get out using the back flush unit and filling and dumping the tank 2 or 3 times the only thing you have to keep an eye on is how full you fill the tank ( you don't want to over fill a tank )
Tank back flush unit is a link to a Kleen tanks video explaining does and don'ts personally have changed out my original tank monitor because the panel lights for the 1/4 and 1/2 full quiet working all together.
I opted to install a Sea Level system will blue tooth connection because my wife is 5'3"" and can't reach the panel location in our coach without stepping on the driver's seat, this system allows you to connect to your phone and get all the reads easily.
This system can be installed using the original tank monitor wiring which saves a lot of work. video your coach has the Aladdin system you may have to rewire for the system I'm not sure the Sea level system will interface with the Aladdin system you can contact Garnet who make the Sea level system and see if they have an interface to allow it to work through the Aladdin ,i know they can connect to a RVC multiplex system but not sure about the Aladdin . this helps