Author Topic: TV Lift  (Read 3750 times)

Bill Heffernan

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TV Lift
« on: April 27, 2024, 03:28:04 PM »
Its been a long saga trying to get our TV Lift system to work. My mechanic initially diagnosed that the motor was not working. I found one of the former owners of TV Lift and he provided me the testing procedure which allowed me to confirm that the motor was fine. Its now mechanically working, but he can't get the the TV panel and trim back together - the front of the TV panel is catching on the front trim and frame. It seems like the TV panel should have more to it. Attached are a couple pictures. Would anyone be able to send a picture of their set-up in the hope that I can what's wrong to help me steer the mechanic to get this right. Thanks
2007 Beaver Patriot Thunder

David T. Richelderfer

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Re: TV Lift
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2024, 03:23:35 AM »
I would love to help but nothing in your pictures resembles what our TV Lift looks like.
2004 Beaver Marquis Sapphire

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Eric Maclean Co-Admin

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Re: TV Lift
« Reply #2 on: April 29, 2024, 12:32:19 PM »
It appears to me that this has been an ongoing issue as someone has added those large headed rivets in an attempt to pull that forward edge of the cover in to keep it from contacting the trim ring ( I'm sure Beaver didn't put those there)
Not knowing your system and the materials Beaver used to construct the cover makes it hard to give you any real meaningful advise but here it goes any way.
First I would remove the trim ring surrounding the lift panel to get good access to the curved area of the TV cover panel so you can determine whether the curved portion of the cover panel has lost its curve or just come loose from the lift frame requiring those rivets to secure it .
Also check to make sure the entire TV lift mechanism is tight in the ceiling  and that the lift panel doesn't have any up and down movement or looseness allowing it to hang down too far , remember these things take a beating on rough roads.
If possible I'd try to rework that curve to make it tighter .( It appears that is what those rivets where supposed to do but may not have pulled the cover in far enough or simply used up too much of the clearance in the process.
If that looks as if it's as good as it's going to get and the lift rotates freely with the trim ring removed I would then see if I could reinstall the trim ring moving it forward to create the clearance you need to allow the lift to rotate past the trim ring without contacting it.( This may require modifications to the trim ring)
Sometimes you have to rework things to get them to work right.

Hope this helps
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Bill Heffernan

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Re: TV Lift
« Reply #3 on: May 03, 2024, 04:23:39 PM »
Eric, thanks. The mechanic got it working, but it looks terrible. I'm sure that you are right about it having been worked on before. Those rivets are definitely not original. At this stage I'm thinking that I'll take the trim pieces to an upholstery shop to have re-worked. Thanks again.
2007 Beaver Patriot Thunder