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Topic: Dish Streaming (Read 6053 times)
Steve Huber Co-Admin
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Dish Streaming
April 08, 2023, 07:35:20 PM »
Is anyone streaming internet providers e.g. Hulu, Netflix, etc using a mobile hot spot, e,g, Solis, thru a Dish Wally? If so, how well does it work?
Thx, Steve
2015- 6/24 07 Contessa Bayshore C9, 400 hp
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2005-2013: 01 Contessa Naples, 3126B, 330 hp
Jerry Carr
Re: Dish Streaming
Reply #1 on:
April 09, 2023, 01:39:05 PM »
I use Netflix no issues Steve.
Fred Brooks
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Re: Dish Streaming
Reply #2 on:
April 09, 2023, 01:54:36 PM »
What is your internet source for streaming? Are you using your hot spot on your phone?
Fred & Cindy Brooks
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Carl Boger
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Re: Dish Streaming
Reply #3 on:
April 10, 2023, 12:37:39 AM »
I don't have a wally so I am not familiar with how it works.
I do use a visible phone as a stand alone hot spot and hook it to a router to both charge the phone and get multiple wifi connections. I also have a weboost truckers antenna and inside antenna to boost the signal when needed.
With this setup I stream Netflix and Prime on my Roku TV's. As long as I have a signal I can stream TV, including Roku channels. I can also get on my computer or phone over wifi, or all 3 together. No cell signal and no wifi! I have only been to a few places with no signal. A weak signal will cause some buffering, but it still works.
98 Beaver Patriot Savannah
330 hp Cat 3126
Eric Maclean Co-Admin
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Re: Dish Streaming
Reply #4 on:
April 10, 2023, 02:26:44 AM »
I use an AT&T stand along hotspot which allows me to connect several devices at once .
We have two computers , two Android smart TVs and even a connected dash android stereo/ navigation unit
Which are all connected and work perfectly.
If you are using smart TVs you don't need to go through the dish wally as the TV's will connect directly to the hot spot allowing you to stream several different streaming sources and even you tube .
As for the AT&T hot spot we have a $ 49.95 plan that gives us 100 Big of data can be suspended while we are off the road at home for six months, and the coverage is very good we are currently on our way home to Ontario Canada from a trip to San Diego we have been from Florida and across hwy 10 to the south and back via Hwy 40 and have only had two places where we had little or no internet connection ( both in places where we didn't expect any)
As Canadians we opted to remove our sat dish as the programming would not work in the states anyway and after two years of using the hot spot have no regrets when we don't have good over the air coverage we simply stream what we want .
It works for us and is cheaper than sat dish programming.
Hope this helps
1997 Patriot Yorktown
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David Ciotti
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Re: Dish Streaming
Reply #5 on:
April 10, 2023, 02:30:28 PM »
I have a T-Mobile Hot Spot that costs $50 per month and provides fast internet up to my 100Gig limit then the speed is throttled significantly. 100 Gigs per month is not enough for my needs and I am looking for more bandwidth.
I have been seeing more and more StarLink antennas in the campgrounds in FL and am wondering if anyone has experience with that satellite system?
2002 Marquis Jasper. 40'. Cat C12
Greg Ross
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Re: Dish Streaming
Reply #6 on:
April 10, 2023, 04:04:58 PM »
We got a Starlink as a present and have used it on 2 trips with a roku.
We ar very happy with it, it is easy to set up and while traveling had little problems being out of our home area.
I do not have any idea how to record with a Starlink but would live to know if is possible.
We also use a Wally form Dish Network.
2008 Contessa
C9 425HP
David Ciotti
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Re: Dish Streaming
Reply #7 on:
April 11, 2023, 02:32:42 PM »
There are several sites on the internet that let you download video content. Some legal others not so much. Try:
for starters. Once the file is on your hard drive VLC player will put the video on your computer screen. If you have an HDMI output from your computer you can hook that up to an unused HDMI input on your TV and watch the movie on a bigger screen.
2002 Marquis Jasper. 40'. Cat C12
Dwight Wilson
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Re: Dish Streaming
Reply #8 on:
April 12, 2023, 05:07:32 PM »
We streamed content for the last 4 months while in the USA after Shaw Direct shut down their southern F2 satellite and we lost programming. The phones worked well as hot spots but we did notice Prime uses a ton of data. We had 200GB per month to share between the 2 phones for so all worked fine.
Dwight Wilson
Calgary, Alberta
05 Patriot Thunder C13 Cat
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