Assuming the 02 slide circuit is similar to the 01 units, as Eric pointed out, there is no "reset" or logic circuitry in the slide circuit. The problem may be due to the motor brake not seeing a full 12V. Common sources of the problem are poor wire crimps in the system (under bed) or the switch pigtail that connects it to the slide wiring. If like the 01s, the pigtail wiring is a smaller gauge than the slide wiring, creating a possible resistive point at the connector. There is also a relay in the circuit, usually near the switch, that could be failing. I would start by unplugging the switch pigtail and cleaning it with contact cleaner. If the problem continues check the voltage at the motor brake. It must be 12V or more. Troubleshooting this can be frustrating as it is normally an intermittent problem.