I installed the SeeLevel system in our '04 Monterey a couple years ago, giving up on the Aladdin system. I installed one display in the kitchen and one in the wet bay. Generally, it tells me the actual tank levels within 2-3 percent. The black tank reading frequently gives spuriously high reading but a quick rinse with the tank flusher fixes that.
About a year ago, I had the opportunity to be a tester for the new SeeLevel-Aladdin interface, which allows the SeeLevel readings to be displayed on the Aladdin screen. It essentially has the Aladdin system use the SeeLevel sensors rather than the Aladdin sensors in the tank. That works fairly well, although once the tanks are above about 80% full the Aladdin system starts indicating that they are close to 100% full. The SeeLevel display still shows the correct value.