Author Topic: Washer/dryer drainage issue  (Read 5482 times)

William Brosam

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Washer/dryer drainage issue
« on: May 04, 2013, 05:05:19 PM »
So we turned on the washer/dryer last night for giggles, and it doesn't want to drain the water worth a damn left it there and by morning it was drained.

so im looking for possible issues i couldn't get the drain filter out it was firmly stuck so ill get some tools/pliers to try and remove it to have a look.

my question is there any valve or drain that needs to be turned on for this thing to operate?

Adam Hicklin

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Re: Washer/dryer drainage issue
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2013, 07:02:46 AM »
This is only rumor, haven't actually experienced yet.  The PO of my coach warned that the check vent (one way vent behind the washer.  It doesn't vent to the roof.) is prone to getting stuck thus not allowing the washer to drain, or drain very slow.  Not sure how yours is set up, but might be worth a check.  Also, mine doesn't drain to the gray tank, but drains directly to the sewer outlet.  No direct sewer connection, no washer use.  

William Brosam

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Re: Washer/dryer drainage issue
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2013, 01:53:37 AM »
So after i spent an hour trying to get the washer out i figured out how to get behind it, and glad i didn't pull any harder might of broke the pex lines.

so cleaned the drain out after shop vacuuming the water out and even turn vac on while unscrewing the drain to not pour water everywhere. man i love my 26$ lowes bucket shop vac

anyways i found a key 3 quarters and hunk of crap in the drain. thought all was solved put some more water in and got nothing except another full washer of water!

damn okay, so i pulled the washer out turned water off and disconnected everything thinking the drain hose is plugged. got the hose off and not plugged at all, damn okay started to remove the back panel. Got this off and still couldn't feel any obstructions in the rubber drain hoses, then i touched the fan motor paddle and it was very sticky didn't want to move until i spun it a few times. A ha i hope that was it cleaned up all the lint, and mud dobber nests that were behind the washer and the gunk that has collected over the years. plugged it back in wiped the sweat off and hit the button threw in all the dirty rags we used to clean up and Voila it works and drains like a turbo now.

im starting to figure out this motor home stuff one broken thing ata time!