Author Topic: Hot Water Heater  (Read 14370 times)

Suzanne Maggard

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Hot Water Heater
« on: November 09, 2008, 02:52:07 AM »
Hello! We have a 1998 Patriot that has a Hurricane hot water system, but we also have hot water when plugged in to shore power. We winterized the coach with RV antifreeze running it through both the hot and cold water system. Is there a way to turn off the power to the hot water heater but not turn off the power to the coach? And, if not, does it hurt the heater with the antifreeze being heated all the time?
Thank you!

Ken Kruse

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Re: Hot Water Heater
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2008, 11:47:57 AM »
The shore power to the hot water heater is turned off at the breaker panel in the bedroom.

Suzanne Maggard

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Re: Hot Water Heater
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2008, 09:26:30 PM »
Thank you, Ken! I went out to the motorhome and looked at the breaker panel. Nothing is designated hot water heater. There is a vertical panel with 2 rows of 4 breakers. On the left going down are: 50 amp main (2 breakers), rear air, front air. On the right side is: Refer, passenger recpt, inverter-converter and radiant heat/wash/dry. Then on the right side of that compartment is thing that looks like a double light switch. The top read across: AC front and AC back. On the bottom it reads: heater 1 and heater 2. There is also a panel in between the breaker and the light switch thing, but I didn't take the screws out of the cover to look inside. Could it be in there? Thanks again for your help!

Richard And Babs Ames

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Re: Hot Water Heater
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2008, 02:15:59 PM »
Your hot water and coach heat comes from the Hurricane so turning off both Heater one and two should cut off the electric element. Easiest way to check is with a 120 volt tester and throw the breaker and see if the power is cut off to the element. If you are not in a position to test it just turn off the Hurricane's diesel and electric and see if the water heater gets cool (must stay plugged into shore power) and could take 48 hours to cool.

You might also and ask your question. Be sure to include your coach SN with any inquiry.

Gerald Farris

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Re: Hot Water Heater
« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2008, 09:48:48 PM »
Your coach apparently does not have an electric water heater, but it has a 'Comfort Hot' system that has been added (aftermarket) to the Hurricane heating system as an electric backup to the diesel burner. Therefore, to cut off the electric water heater, you just turn the two light switches to front a/c and rear a/c.
